Quick post... After a couple of hectic weeks my better half and I finally got to spend a weekend together (despite living very close to each other!). So after a lovely Saturday night spent watching the X Factor, we decided to get out and about on Sunday.

Sunday Lunch was in order, so we decided to try out a burger bar that has recently opened in Cork city. Ketchup, great name, has only been opened for about a month but judging by the food and the great location it will stay open for a lot longer. A great location, at the end of French Church Street and walking distance from the shops, so very handy indeed! Food is simple, burgers, lamb, chicken and beef and there are also vegetarian offerings, fish and sausages from the English Market's O'Flynn's. Even though its simple, the food is fabulous! I ordered the Haloumi Burger, yummy and himself got a Classic Burger. This was so good, the meat was of fantastic quality and everything was so fresh. And the chips.... Wow!

After we'd stuffed ourselves silly we decided to have a stroll around as the day was so nice. Really ,mild and fresh, a perfect autumn day. Perfect for shopping! Boots on Opera Lane was my destination of choice after two hours searching for the perfect pair of runners for himself... Honestly, two hours! And I'm accused of being the shopper... Hmmmmm.
And here's what I got... It was buy 2 get the 3rd free on all 17 items so having lusted after the new matte topcoat for a while I went for it. I also picked up this really cute Pinking Shear, looking forward to trying this out. For my freebie I choose, Miami! Not for me though, its going into the bag of birthday bits I'm putting together for my good friend. The matte topcoat though is the next thing on my list of untrieds. So watch this space for that and the next pink for October.