We all have polishes that are hanging around in the make up bag (or bags in my case) that we aren't entirely sure why we bought them in the first place. In this case I'm talking about 17's Real Romantic. I'm pretty sure I bought this to go with a particular outfit, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what... That's because this colour goes with nothing in my wardrode! I cannot think what outfit would have required a pinky-peach, metallic colour with a coppery gold shimmer in it! This is by no means an awful colour but I feel that it could definately contribute to something altogether more spectacular! Here is a before shot.

I quite like the shimmer in this and think that if this were darkened uo we'd have a very interesting polish. SO! I'm going to attempt frankenpolish number two. To the 17 bottle I'm going to add some black. I got the black nail polish in Penneys to toughen up a very girlie outfit and it lasted all of five minutes before chipping, and that was with a coat of Seche... My poor housemate who borrowed it the same night almost had chips appearing as she was painting! So after I had mixed in a generous amount of the black, here is what I got...

This turned out better than expected, this was a colour unlike anything in my stash and is something I know I will get alot more use out of than its parent polishes! And in fact, this reminded me slightly of a very on trend polish indeed! Chanel Paradoxal, or to be more precise, its dupe Models Own Purple Grey, that kind of mauvey, greyed out purple with slight shimmer, I think this is fairly similar. Im glad to report too that adding the chip prone black to the normally fantastic wearing 17 polish did not affect its longevity, Huzzah!
oooh I like the purpley gray color!