I hate white clothes... In theory they are great, lash on some of the fake stuff, cute white summer dress, suitably summery wedges et voilá! You have the perfect summer outfit, in theory...
In practice oh how different it is! You arrive at your delightful Garden Party (for isn't that where we all wear our perfect white gúna's to??) and the first thing you do is spill Pimms on yourself. Then you notice that your carefully applied fake tan is beginning to turn the pristine white neckline, armline, waistline, everyline of your dress a charming shade of grunge... What to do? Having spent hard earned cash on said dress, it would be quite the pity to banish it to the clothes cemetary. So here are some easy steps to save that stylish dress from becoming a cushion!

1. Remove that tired dress from where it languishes in your armoire.
2. Take a trip to your local fabric store and purchase some Dylon washing machine dye.
3. Continue en-route to a supermarket to purchase some table salt.
4. Commandere the washng machine in your rented student house for the better part of eight hours and follow instructions.
5. Wear your brand new dress with pride and without fear of unsightly tan marks!
And there you have it, 5 steps, 10euro and you have a new outfit in the season's hottest colour whatever that may be!
Flamingo Pink was my colour of choice, whats yours?
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